Here's to wishing you all a great and prosperous festive season!
Some interesting reading on childhood obesity and the dangers thereof below... have a good read, and further down a recipe for a lovely cole slaw salad..... devine!
Who said that Cole Slaw had to have mayo? See the most devine Cole Slaw recipe below, compliments of "What Colour is your Diet?" by Dr David Heber. I adjusted and replaced ingredients that I did not have in the giving you my version
Cabbage and Bell Pepper Slaw (serves 12)
1 small head of green cabbage - sliced thin
1 small head of purple cabbage - sliced thin
2 large carrots grated
1 small yellow pepper - julienne strips
1 small red pepper - julienne strips
1 small white or purple onion, sliced very thin
1 red chili
1/2 cup vinegar
Squirt of lemon juice
4 tbsps olive oil
1 tbsp Dijon style mustard
2 tsps sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp tabasco
Freshly ground pepper
Toss ingredients together, add dressing ingredients and chill to allow flavours to blend before serving
Let me know how this tatstes!!
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Saturday, 23 November 2013
Cancer and green t!
Did you know that certain foods / vitamins / minerals prevents certain diseases?
Take a look at this by Dr David Heber in his book "What color is your Diet?
" Green tea also prevents tumor cells from growing new blood vessels, which is one of the main ways tumors grow and spread in the body. There are many drug companies developing expensive agents for the prevention of blood vessel growth by tumors and these are called "angiogenis inhibitors" . If given to a cancer patient, they would have to be taken for life. Therefore, a natural product that is less expensive makes more sense than an expensive drug.
Take a look at this by Dr David Heber in his book "What color is your Diet?
" Green tea also prevents tumor cells from growing new blood vessels, which is one of the main ways tumors grow and spread in the body. There are many drug companies developing expensive agents for the prevention of blood vessel growth by tumors and these are called "angiogenis inhibitors" . If given to a cancer patient, they would have to be taken for life. Therefore, a natural product that is less expensive makes more sense than an expensive drug.
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Childhood obesity as a medical condition
Childhood obesity as a medical condition
Obesity in general and childhood obesity in particular, is becoming more
and more of an international health concern. With rising rates of type 2
diabetes and other obesity related disorders, the need to address this concern
is increasing annually.
Childhood obesity in particular carries additional risks and concerns
which are unique to children. From toddlers to adolescents, there is a general
increase in the number of children whose body mass index is dangerously high.
Couple this with increasingly sedentary lifestyles among youth and the concerns
for general health can be life threatening.
Dangers of childhood obesity
Research has demonstrated that many of the cardiovascular conditions of
adult obesity are preceded by similar conditions in childhood. Conditions like
hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and abnormal glucose tolerance have a significant
impact on the future life of an overweight child and can seriously affect their
health as they grow into adulthood.
However, some of the most long lasting consequences of childhood obesity
are psychosocial. Obese children suffer discrimination from an early age and
develop a negative self-image which persists into adulthood, even if they begin
to maintain a healthy weight.
Research has shown that people who were obese in adolescence and early
adulthood had fewer average years of advanced education, less family income,
and lower marriage rates than people who were not obese at the same ages.
Regardless of this, the medical and health consequences of childhood
obesity predispose young children to serious medical conditions earlier in
life. Aside from overweight and obese children being taller, having advanced
bone ages, and maturing earlier, obesity also puts a strain on a young
cardiovascular system. Increased blood lipids (hyperlipidemia) results in an
increase in LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides, and a decrease in HDL
(good) cholesterol. Obese children are also more at risk from glucose
intolerance and diabetes as well as a small increased risk of hypertension
(high blood pressure). Obese children are also at risk of sleep apnoea which
can affect learning and bone and joint issues.
Reducing childhood obesity
One research study has found that a modest reduction in the number of
carbonated drinks that an overweight group of children drank resulted in a
substantial reduction in overweight and obese children as compared to a control
group. This research demonstrates the importance of a systematic but
incremental change: identifying the environmental factors which contribute to
obesity and systematically replacing them with more healthful activities can
have a significant impact on rates of childhood obesity.
Because many of the morbidities associated with obesity are already
recognisable in childhood, it’s important that children be treated for obesity.
The American Medical Association now officially considers obesity a chronic
medical condition. This means that parents have a responsibility to help their
children gain and maintain a healthy body weight in the same way that parents
have a responsibility to treat any medical condition. Many of the medical
conditions associated with childhood obesity are reduced in adulthood and the
prognosis for children who gain and maintain a healthy body weight is greatly
While it’s important to tailor a weight loss lifestyle to the individual
needs of the child, there are various changes you can start making today that
can help:
- Encourage children to take part in physical activity by buying them active gifts like skateboards, bicycles, and balls.
- Take part in physical activity as a family to encourage enjoyable exercise. Take a walk together, play ball sports together, or encourage the child to try out for a school sports team.
- Eliminate fatty cuts of meat from the child’s diet and replace with lean, skinless chicken and fish.
- Provide healthy snacks like dried fruit, nuts, cracker bread, and low GI wholewheat toast with peanut butter (with no added salt or sugar).
- Ensure that the child is eating five portions of fruits and vegetables and reduce starchy, fried vegetables like potato chips and wedges.
- Eliminate fast food from the child’s diet and replace with vegetables, wholegrains, and lean proteins.
- Reduce or eliminate sugary drinks from the child’s diet. Replace fruit juice and cool drinks with water.
- Ensure that dairy is low fat or fat-free.
Remember to speak to your doctor, fitness expert, or dietitian before
beginning any weight loss regime.
If you have any questions, be sure to log in to your e|Care portal and make use
of the ‘ask the professional’ tool. You have access to a doctor, dietitian, and
fitness expert who will answer your questions within 48 hours.
Protein shakes – The worst and the best protein shake for you. (as posted by Will and Sune, Health and Wellness)
The best protein shake for you
(as posted by Will and Sune Killian)
You know how most people have an opinion on everything?
Well, when it comes to the best protein shake it is no different. How do you discern fact from fiction? How do you know which protein shake to use? After all, isn’t it presumptuous to say you are using the best protein shake?
I suppose it depends on why you want to use a protein shake in the first place. If you want to use a protein shake to build muscle and become the best body builder in the world, you will have to compare the protein shakes that are specifically formulated for that purpose with one another, and decide which is the best protein shake for you.
Just like the best protein shake for a body builder is not necessarily the best protein shake for someone who wants to lose weight, all protein shakes that is formulated for the same purpose, are not the same quality and certainly do not produce the same results. It’s like comparing a small little Toyota Yaris with a big 4L Toyota Land Cruiser. They are both vehicles, but they were made with a completely different purpose in mind. Apart from both being vehicles manufactured by Toyota, they are as far removed from one another as the East is from the West.
Always test what you read about protein shakes against the facts (knowledge) that you already have to decide on the best protein shake for you.
I have recently read an article on a very prominent health website about protein shakes, and that’s when I realized that even some of the experts in the field can be somewhat blind to the fact that all protein shakes are not formulated equally.
First of all, to call all nutrition shakes that contains protein, protein shakes, is an unfair generalization at best. It’s like calling all vehicles with an engine a racing car! Racing car manufactures will be offended no doubt.
Unfortunately, there will always be those unscrupulous people out there who will want to cash in and ride on the backs of the genuine, quality manufactures. We see it in all industries where grey products hit the market as soon as a quality product has proven to be popular and successful. Because these copycats skimp on quality and is only profit driven, they manufacture substandard products and pass it off to be “the same as” or “similar to” the good quality well-known product, but at a fraction of the price.
For an unsuspecting consumer market, price is always a factor. If you can buy a product which is “the same as” another well known quality product, but at a fraction of the price, why the heck not? Right?
Well, as you know, the problem lies in the words, “the same as”. That is where the deception lies. It’s not the same. The difference is only noticed afterwards. In the results. There is an old saying,“results is the name of the game.” I couldn’t agree more.
Taking your little Toyota Yaris into the Simpson desert instead of the Landcruiser will soon teach you a lesson in consumerism the same way as you will be disillusioned if you are using a protein shake that passes itself off as “the same as” or “similar to” the best protein shakes on the market. The results separates the good from the bad, and illuminate the best. Unfortunately, by then you have already spend your money….or worse, are stuck in the Simpson desert!
To be fair to the journalist who wrote the article though, I will post it below for you to read.
There are a lot of good information in that article. Unfortunately there are also a lot of generalizations and misinformation, that might be confusing to general members of the public who just want to buy a protein shake that will help them to lose weight and be more healthy. The one dietary expert for example, failed to realize that your muscles are the main fat (energy) burners of your body. Increased protein intake, coupled with resistance training, will increase your lean muscle tissue which in turn will allow your muscles to burn more calories! Reducing your calorie intake is only one part of the equation in healthy weight loss, but I’m sure you knew that.
It’s clear however that the “experts” who were consulted about protein shakes to lose weight for this article, clearly did not consider the Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix. Yes it contains good quality protein, but it also includes ALL of the other things your body needs to be healthy and function at an optimum level on a daily basis.
From a quick read of the article below, you will realise that the protein shakes they talk about, pretty much only contains protein – it’s therefore only a protein supplement and not a meal replacement.
From personal experience, I know that the Herbalife Nutritional Shake, is by far superior to any other on the market, because it’s a complete meal replacement. In my mind, it’s the best protein shake for weight management by far.
The Herbalife shake is formulated with optimum health in mind. Although, as you can read in this article, the world only “caught on” to using protein shakes to assist in weight loss in 2007, Mark Hughes, the founder of Herbalife, knew this way back in 1980 when the first Herbalife protein shake was formulated. But Mark had a vision to create a safe, healthy and effective way for people to lose weight. Hence he combined Chinese Herbal medicine with the latest technology in food science, to produce the now world renowned Herbalife shake.
Since then the company has grown and expanded beyond belief. Today, Herbalife is a multi-billion dollar company with millions and millions of satisfied customers all over the world.
Herbalife is fast becoming a household name.
In the field of weight management and sports nutrition, Herbalife has no equal in quality.
How they manage to manufacture such high quality products and are still able to market it to the general public at such reasonable prices, baffles a lot of people.
The answer is simple. Since 1980 Herbalife chose to distribute it’s products via independent Herbalife distributors straight to the public.
That way, all the wasted costs and added profits of middle-men which you find in other industries are avoided. This in turn assists Herbalife to continually invests back into R&D to insure that the Herbalife products remain the best quality in the world.
So, in short, how do you know which protein shake to pick?
It’s simple. Look at the results people get using that particular protein shake. Ask for real life testimonials. Do not fall for the fake television testimonials…those are actors most of the time. Do not be fooled. Speak to real people who use it.
Okay, so here is the article that prompted my above response.
Do protein shakes really help you lose weight?
Once the domain of bodybuilders, protein shakes are now the convenience food of dieters. Lucy Ballinger reports on this growing trend.
They’ve been touted as a quick fix for women who want to be healthy, but don’t have the time to prepare a full and wholesome meal every night. And with celebrity fans such as Gwyneth Paltrow extolling their virtues, protein shakes have experienced a huge boom in popularity.
But are the benefits of protein shakes so clear-cut? And can they really help you shed weight?
What’s in a protein shake?
Protein shakes consist of powdered forms of protein such as soy or whey, which is a by-product of the cheese-making process. Flavouring is added to the powder so that when it’s blended with milk or water, it resembles a milkshake-style drink.
Recommended servings vary, but usually include about 20g of protein. The Federal Government recommends a daily protein intake of 46g a day for women and 64g a day for men.
Protein intake, alongside resistance exercise, has long been credited with increased muscle mass. However, US research by the journal Obesity in 2007 found that a protein-rich intake – such as the amount in a protein shake – can also help lower the levels of the hunger-stimulating hormone ghrelin, effectively suppressing the appetite.
Such studies have led to protein shakes being marketed as weight loss solutions to the masses, rather than just at the traditional audience of gym junkies and bodybuilders.
Louise O’Connor, a naturopath and wellness coach at Deva Delicious Nutrition, says it’s convenience that has made protein shakes popular, especially with women with a busy lifestyle.
“These women are aware of the importance of healthy eating but don’t always have the time to prepare healthy meals and eat well. They’re looking for a convenient and nutritious way to increase their protein intake, and this is a quick and easy solution.”
Not a guaranteed weight loss solution
However, experts say that just drinking protein shakes doesn’t guarantee weight loss or a more muscly physique.
Sports dietician Greg Shaw, of the Australian Institute of Sport, explains: “If you’re just sucking down the shakes, that isn’t going to help. You must do resistance exercises alongside taking the protein shakes.”
And he adds that a carefully planned diet can give the same benefits. “Weight loss shakes have protein in them, but they’re also high in fibre,” he explains. “You can get protein naturally from dairy foods eaten at strategic times during the day and it will help you put on muscle mass and lose fat. Good natural sources are egg whites, dairy and meat.
“You can get the same benefits as protein shakes from a holistic diet, so shakes aren’t necessary, but some people find them more convenient which is why they’re popular.”
A balanced diet is still required
Dietician Julie Gilbert, of the Dieticians Association of Australia, warns against building up a reliance on protein shakes for weight loss.
“Protein can reduce appetite when its volume is increased in meals and it may help to reduce hunger pangs,” she says. “But diets that use only protein shakes for weight loss only work because you reduce the amount of kilojoules you consume in a day.
“It isn’t the protein in the shakes themselves that cause you to lose weight, but the fact that you’re eating less kilojoules often by cutting out carbohydrates.”
While these kinds of diets can initially show a significant drop in weight, Gilbert says this is due to the water-loss in lean tissue.
She adds that it’s important to keep eating a balanced diet even if you’re consuming protein shakes. “The main concern is that high-protein shakes may replace other valuable foods, such as fruit and vegetables, or other important nutrients, such as carbohydrates and fibre from the diet.” ~ body+soul
The Herbalife Nutritional Shake Mix, is formulated as a meal replacement and contains all the necessary nutrients referred to in the above article, which other protein shakes lack.
Let me quote from the Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix label:
Formula 1. This great-tasting shake provides an ideal balance of protein and carbohydrates to help satisfy your hunger and give you lasting stamina. Packed with vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and fibre, Formula 1 powder has only 101 Calories (423 kJ) and 1 gram of fat per serving. Enjoy as part of your Weight-Management Programme for good health and effective weight control.
The key to effective weight loss is consuming less calories per day than you burn by maintaining a healthy, well-balanced calorie controlled intake with the aid of Formula 1, combined with an active lifestyle that includes moderate exercise.
(I lost my first 10kg using Herbalife without doing any exercise, and then a further 2kg after just 3 weeks of Insanity and re-shaped completely.)
Don’t buy the cheap imitations. Buy the real deal. Buy the Herbalife protein shake. It’s the best, as Herbalife is a company of integrity that has stood the test of time.
Herbalife does not skimp on quality. They only use the best ingredients, best scientists and best experts in their field. No wonder they even have a Nobel prize winner in the field of nutrition and a former US Surgeon General on board.
You can only buy Herbalife from one of two places.
- From a registered Herbalife member. You pay the recommended retail price.
- Become a member and buy directly from Herbalife at a minimum discount of 25%.
Anybody may become a Herbalife member and buy the products at wholesale directly from Herbalife. You do not have to sell the products. You also do not have to recruit other Herbalife members. If you want to, of course, you can, and you will earn retail and wholesale profits in the process. But, you can simply register and become a wholesale customer if you just want to use the products, and get it at the best possible discounts.
To register to become a Herbalife member is easy.
If you live in any of the open Herbalife countries (89 and growing), you can register right away. All you need is a Herbalife sponsor and enough money to buy your Herbalife International Business Pack (IBP). Depending in which country you are, the IBP costs between R470 – R895. There are different options, as some IBP’s already include the Herbalife shake and some other Herbalife products for you to use right away. When you register, you pick the option that suits you best. After you registered, you are entitled to an immediate discount of 25% on all further purchases. The maximum discount is 50%.
(Please use a valid email when you register online, as Herbalife will not do business with you if they cannot verify your contact details.)
Some Herbalife countries already have a quick and easy Online Registration process.
If you live in one of them, just follow the 5 easy steps and go right ahead. (On the first page, it will ask your country of residence.)
If you are in one of the countries which are not yet able to process your application online, no problem. Simply contact me and we will put you in touch with the Distributor Relations officer in your country to get you started over the phone right away.
Join our mission, to change the nutritional habits of the world, person by person, city by city, country by country. You will be glad you did.
Instructions to Join Herbalife now
You can Join Herbalife in a few minutes with 5 easy steps, sign-up using the online application:
- Click on the following link
- Choose your “Country of Residence”
- For “Sponsor’s Herbalife ID Number” enter “46273212“
- For “First 3 Letters of Sponsor’s Last Name” enter “EKS“
- For “Purchased an International Business Pack (IBP) from your Sponsor?” Select “No”
Click “Next” and follow the instructions to complete your Herbalife membership application.
You will have access to place your discounted orders directly from Herbalife within minutes and receive the International Business Pack (IBP) which includes detailed instructions on being a distributor along with some samples. Your starting discount is 25%!
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